Showing posts with label Home Furnishings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Furnishings. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Block Print journey

We've come a long way from day 1 of learning to carve the block, the tree as the muse, to the transformation of the tree to a garden. That sound like gibberish I know, but I just wanted to share the  journey of our wooden blocks. I started with a simple silhouette of a tree that stuck out to me in London while I was wandering the cold streets. And when I say wandering, I definitely wandered. I could walk the streets of London in my sleep if I had to. Anyways, this isn't about my amazing navigational skills, this is about the Tree. The beginning.

The colors laid out in natural colors from our environment - there's madder, turmeric, logwood, iron sulfate, and many more. I can't describe the moment of glory when our first imprint emerged from the dye bath. True peace.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday Everyone! What better way to start out your week than to see what's new at the Ichcha shop.

The Ichcha shop is up and running with amazing block printed home furnishings and accessories. The designs are unique and fun, ready to jazz up your homes.

As you know, we work with natural dyes that are good for the maker as well as you guys! So you can feel good carrying a bag that was dyed in a dye bath of red flowers and/or onion skins. The materials vary according to color. If you're curious as to how your newly purchased curtain/bag got its color, just send us a comment and we'll be more than happy to tell your what natural plant/spice is spicing up your life.